GCAMPS Prayer Lifeline

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Welcome to GCAMPS Prayer Lifeline. 

It is said that the family that prays together, stays together.

Likewise, regular prayer conference calls will keep the global Christian assemblies connected. And in times like these we need to stay connected to each other, and with God. Our calls have been scheduled as follows:

As a courtesy, all participants should mute their phones while Hosts, and Leads are sharing information. We want to experience a spiritual atmosphere for signs, wonders, miracles and supernatural breakthrough in the lives of every participant and those requesting prayers.

Therefore, a format of the prayer conference calls shall be as follows:

  • Host (5 mins): Welcome & Worship.
  • Lead (20 mins): Worship, Scripture, Prayer & Encouragement.
  • Host (5 mins): Announcement, Blessings & Overflow.

Did you know you can also follow, like, share and comment on our social media platforms? Yes! Let’s connect from wherever you are in the world. Please don’t forget the following:

  • Prayer requests can be submitted on Contact page.
  • Donations may be made through Give page.
  • You can learn more about our programs on Initiatives page.

Note: If you recall, our foundational Scripture reminds us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together…

Hebrews 10:25 (KJV), Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Please feel free to share GCAMPS Prayer Lifeline invitation with friends, families and followers online – and stay connected. We just never know who needs a word of encouragement Also, we so appreciate you prioritizing your time to join us in prayer each weekday morning. We look forward to hearing from you as we grow together.


Thanks + Blessings, Team GCAMPS

#PrayerLifeline #GCAMPS #MorningPrayer

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